Monday, March 2, 2015

Samuel's Flat Stanley has lots of fun in Florida!!

WOW!  Flat Stanley has been touring all around St. Augustine, Florida and he has seen lots of fabulous sights!  Scroll down to see the great things he did with the Yee family! These are some brochures from their town, which is full of history! It looks like a very fun place! Stanley loved it!
Flat Stanley loved this tour of St. Augustine!

The Yee family likes to dress in historical clothes and participate in re-enactments of historical events. Years ago they were asked to pose for this special rack card! It is also on a huge billboard on Highway 95.

Be careful, Stanley!

What a beautiful college!

Flat Stanley loved flying in this bright yellow helicopter!

Stanley enjoyed visiting with the birds here!  He did some canoeing too!

Stanley thought this school was much smaller than Great Falls!

Flat Stanley helped keep the ships safe!

Stanley got to learn a little bit about golf!