Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Harrison's Flat Stanley in California!

Harrison’s friend, Ben the artist, and I flew out to Los Angeles on Thursday the first of March. When we arrived it was only three hours after we started out after a 6 hour flight. How did that happen? Ben says it is because there are three time zone changes from Boston to Los Angeles, so when it is 12 o’clock noon in Boston it is only 9 AM in Los Angeles!

Friday night we went to the opening show of Ben’s artwork. I was in the envelope all evening so I didn’t see anything, but on Saturday, that was a cool day, we went up to a big park high on a hill overlooking Los Angeles called Griffith Park. At the top of the park is this place called Griffith Observatory where they have huge telescopes where people can look at the stars in the sky…the telescopes make the stars look so big! 
 This is the Griffith Observatory behind me!
 From the Observatory  you can see all of Los Angeles below. Over my shoulder you can see the big tall buildings in the downtown area. They look so small from up here.
 Another thing you can see from the Observatory is the famous HOLLYWOOD sign. Ben says the sign was built in 1923 as an advertisement but now has become identified with Los Angeles like the Statue Of Liberty is identified with New York City. Ben took this picture of me with the HOLLYWOOD sign over my shoulder.It looks small from here but each letter is 50 feet tall…that  is like 12 Harrisons standing on top of each other!

 So, that is my Los Angeles adventure! I think next I am going to jump back in the envelope and head off to Paris, France to to visit a friend of Ben’s who lives over there!