Thursday, February 8, 2018

Harrison's Flat Stanley in Washington

I am in Seattle, Washington now with Harrison's friend Ben. Getting here we drove up on a windy curvy road at the very edge of the Pacific ocean.Today there was a clear overcast sky and Ben took me out of the envelope  for a really bad photo he took at the downtown public market... It is all blurry but behind me is the Seattle harbor. Seattle is a lot like Portland, Maine where Harrison hangs out with his mom Heather and his crazy skateboard brother Oliver. Seattle has a big Port with lots of boats coming and going and the town is very hilly. Fishing is a big business for lots of people. There are lots of big mountains around Seattle like in Portland, Oregon where I was last week.One is another volcano called Mount Saint Helens. Ben stays Mount Saint Helens erupted about 20 years ago and it was a huge explosion knocking over all the trees in a huge forest. So far I like Seattle...we have one more day here then we are going to take a cool car trip back to Portland Oregon for one day.